Science is derived from a Latin word – “scientia” meaning knowledge. The etymology of Superstition is from the classical Latin "superstitio", literally "a standing ovation [in amazement]". Two Latin Words that are opposite in meaning but can propel human thoughts into new visions and versions.
As we begin to tread into those lines of thought, i relate superstition to India . India was known as the land of snake charmers and philosophers.And today also superstition is followed through out the world but in minute proportions of society. Being born to a south indian family has its benefits.;Rahu Kalam (Bad Time) and Ketu Kalam(some other time) and all sorts of kalams(times) that do not affect me any more were some beliefs I used to hear.. The “black cat crossing the road can cause you an accident” is the most famous of all superstitions in India. Superstition happens only due to the way our thought process that leads us into it. Though marching into the times where economic diversity is at its epitome, we observe superstition thriving in the two main classes of our Indian Society – the economically high and low class. Superstition can compared to the crab, through whose clutches , we humans are trying to free ourselves. Any bloke who thinks he knows about the stars in the sky and lines in your hand, shouldn’t be believed in any respect.
“Fear is the main source of superstition, and one of the main sources of cruelty. To conquer fear is the beginning of wisdom, in the pursuit of truth as in the endeavour after a worthy manner of life.?”
Science on the other hand is so powerful because of its rationality. The question “WHY?” is dealt with well, though science still believes that there is a possibility of the so called “supernatural force” that s yet undefined. Science is founded on proper theory as well as constructive practical truths.. To my knowledge science can be mainly classified into 4 types – Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, Formal Sciences, Applied Sciences. Thus, Science spreads through various regions of our life in huge proportions. Science makes us believe there is a reason for everything that happens in and around us. Science helps us believe in ourselves, and too much of self belief cause our own destruction which we hardly notice.
When we don’t know whats in store for us in the future, and desperately start making weird relations and matching possibilities of a better future, we begin to do superstition. While, the same curiosity that gets minimized due to the calculated probabilities for a better future, we do science. Superstition can be done sitting on an arm chair, but science happens only when we are doing something ;precisely conducting experiments and tests resulting in inferences.The battle between Science and Superstition will never get resolved till we realize that our future is indefinite and knowing it will not give us any pleasure – both the risky and the calculated risky way. We live in a country where everyone wants to have an “who will bell the cat?” attitude. We have to believe that we have the power enough to change our surroundings for our benefits. We need to start doing rather than just waiting back on luck , fortune, co-incidence. We need to do something, we need to dominate our today; dominate starts with a do. Last we decided to do or die, it changed the map of the world. Lets question ourselves and reflect – Is it better to stay thinking and fearing about the future ? or do something about it & grow in our now ? now let us answer in our minds – Science or Superstition ?
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